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SLC 9:01 Thu Sep 25
The Prime Minister
What a fucking embarrassment this man is. The Tory clique on here love posting detrimental items about Labour (currently 2) but this bloke is supposed to be RUNNING the country!

"Blundering David Cameron has made a grovelling apology to the Queen after blurting out her delight at Scots rejecting independence .

The Prime Minister was picked up by a TV mic boasting about how Her Majesty "purred" with pleasure when he told her the referendum result.

Mr Cameron said he was "very embarrassed" and "extremely sorry" for the gaffe, which came as he tried to impress billionaire media tycoon Michael Bloomberg in New York."

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SLC 9:59 Mon Sep 29
Re: The Prime Minister
You've gotta laugh, the Tories have a nightmare weekend losing 2 mp's, yet another one to sleaze by the way, and they combat it by announcing a tax cut on pensions that will affect around 320,000 people. WHOOP.

After8 8:42 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
Nothing wrong in having a different view pickle. At least you're not like the OP who is basically saying " evil rubbish Tories " and won't answer the simplest of questions.

After8 8:42 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
Nothing wrong in having a different view pickle. At least you're not like the OP who is basically saying " evil rubbish Tories " and won't answer the simplest of questions.

Nurse Ratched 8:07 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
Arf! Yeah...

wansteadman 8:04 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
If the scots wanted independence they only had to let the English vote

Hammer and Pickle 7:28 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
Labour fucked up by opening up the labour market while neglecting to work with Germany to reform Europe by increasing productivity, cutting sovereign debt before disaster struck in 2008 and eliminating red tape. It helped create the conditions for stagnation in Europe when really we should be seeing a period of sustained growth UK workers should be taking advantage of.
However, the Tories have been even worse on Europe and UKIP are just a bunch of two-bob opportunists taking advantage of people's wholly justified exasperation without actually proposing anything to improve the situation whatsoever.
That's just the way I see it anyway and you don't have to read my posts.

BRANDED 6:10 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
I've met some UKIP supporters. Absolute butters.

After8 5:24 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
The issue is with ukip is that the national party can agree a deal with CCHQ but the local branches can and will include same cases ignore it. I've seen ukip candidates stand against Tories who would rather cut off their arms than stay in the EU and ukip nationally have tried to stop their branch but these people won't be stopped. They hate the Tories. Hate them.

So a deal won't be the easy answer some think it is. Also we'd hardly likely to trust carswell and reckless.

BRANDED 3:38 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
We owe £20,590 for every person in the country in national debt
That's more than £45,840 for every person in employment
Every household will pay £1,885 this year, just to cover the interest

Add that to every bodies personal debt.

BRANDED 3:34 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
If that were the case we'd all be in mud huts scratching a living. They have both tried to buy the votes of the marginals and all voters with stuff we'll never be able to pay for. In the end we'll be bought out by the very rich and we will have been shafted by the profligate policies of both parties for a century. We will dream of these days when that happens.

Nurse Ratched 3:10 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
Sven. Yep.

Sven Roeder 3:08 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
Have come to realise in all these matters the Labour Party shore up their position & support by maxing out the country's credit card with no intention of paying it back while the Conservatives consolidate theirs by looking after their corporate mates and vested interests.
Neither gives a flying fuck about Joe Public
Fair summary?

, 3:07 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
This country has definitely not lurched to the left to imply that is risible.

I predict that SNP will survive and thrive in Scotland because the Westminster elite will find a way to wriggle out of any effective devolution of further real powers to the Scots. This will spur the SNP to try again for an independence vote which they will win when erstwhile NO voters realise that they have been gulled.

The Kronic 3:07 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
Sven Roeder 3:00 Sun Sep 28

Indeed and something often overlooked by the right whingers. Tories endorse mass immigration for cheap labour. Labour do it for votes. Both as bad as each other.

Nurse Ratched 3:02 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
You're right, Sven.

Sven Roeder 3:00 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
What was the attitude of the Conservative party ,employer organisations & business leaders to cheap foreign labour coming in and cutting wage bills?
Can't recall much of an outcry & impassioned pleas on behalf of British workers

BRANDED 2:47 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
And they were buying votes with enormous borrowings to fund the work shy

Nurse Ratched 2:43 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
Labour didn't exactly advertise what they were doing and why.

Infidel 2:39 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister

And yet the British public re-elected Blair twice (in 2001 and 2005) and voted in vast numbers for Labour in 2010 despite the fact that Labour threw open the doors to immigration and let 5 million people in.

So obviously 10 million people don't agree with your statement.

Nurse Ratched 2:35 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
"I can't imagine a single person thinks " oo I'd love to give some foreigners my job and dilute my share of public services to boot"

I wouldn't be surprised if alphaharps does. Excruciatingly right-on, that lad is.

BRANDED 2:30 Sun Sep 28
Re: The Prime Minister
I can't imagine a single person thinks " oo I'd love to give some foreigners my job and dilute my share of public services to boot". No, they want more services, public jobs, handouts and their savings (if they ever manage to make any) to always grow irrespective of the business climate or competition from harder working less paid people from insignificant countries they've never really heard of and would never in a million years visit.

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